The 2023 Regional Humanitarian Partnership Week (RHPW) – Asia Pacific 2023 will take place from 11 to 13 December 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand. The theme of the year is “Putting theory into practice: Locally-led solutions in humanitarian action”.
2023 RHPW is a joint initiative of the Asian Disaster Risk Reduction Network (ADRRN), the International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA), Community World Service Asia (CWSA), and the United Nations OCHA (UNOCHA).
RHPW aims to bring together hundreds of humanitarian practitioners from various sectors across the Asia-Pacific region to exchange best practices, foster collaboration and strengthen partnerships for effective humanitarian programming and service delivery to affected people. RHPW will feature a series of interactive sessions, workshops, panel discussions, and networking events that will showcase innovative and inclusive approaches to humanitarian action in the region as below:
Day 1 : Monday, 11 December 2023
Navigating the NEXUS: Challenges & Opportunities for Principled Humanitarian Action
- Empowering Front Line Workers and Equitable Partnerships for Localization: Democratization of Development and Decolonizing Aid (A4EP)
- Humanitarian data services and emergency mapping (UNOSAT/OCHA)
- Translating global standards into local realities – building effective and accountable civil society organisations (ACFID)
- PIN Localized Participatory approaches for Emergency and Nexus in PIN- NPL and MMR
- Reimagining the Measurement of Humanitarian Performance: A Closer Look at Positionality and Community Access to Evaluation Findings (HAG/ALNAP)
- Accountability in times of crisis (Trocaire)
- Shrinking Humanitarian Space (ICVA)
- Strengthening Regional Responses to the Rohingya situation (Coast/CCNF/NPCB)
- What is the Nexus anyway (ALNAP)
- Enhancing Humanitarian Advocacy Through Strategic Partnerships with CSOs and RLOs (IRC)
- Elevating Impact & Coordination across the Nexus: How Equal Partnerships Drive Quality (CARE)
Day 2 : Tuesday, 12 December 2023
Bridging the Gap: Innovative Solutions for Humanitarian Financing in a Time of Crisis
- Respectful Recruitment in Humanitarian Response: Why it’s Important and How We Get there (HAG)
- Addressing Threats towards Female Staff and Volunteers in Humanitarian Response through Strengthening Accountability (JNUS)
- Climate actions for Humanitarian outcomes (PHF)
- Using geography to improve the impact of your programmes and projects (MapAction)
- Localization dimensions, reflection and expected changes (SHEEP)
- Sylvie Innovative cost-effective solutions to enhance quality, accountability and safeguarding (including PSEA) through the Nexus
- Bridging Pathways in Practice Between Localisation and Locally-Led Climate Adaptation (HAG)
- A stock-taking: Why RGAs are “lifesaving” tools for responding to Women and Girls’ Needs? (CARE/UNW)
- Translating Localization
- Anticipatory Cash Assistance, gender and inclusion: Learning from the 2022 Pakistan Floods (HAG)
- Climate and Disaster Displacement in the Asia Pacific region (ICVA)
- Role of Pooled Fund and Intermediaries in Localization and Decolonization of Aid (COAST)
- PakistanREADY-Pakistan as pool fund mechanism for anticipatory action ensuring Localisation (IDEA/ READY Pakistan/NHN)
- Unpacking the progress, the localisation agenda in SEA region; are we on track or stuck in its journey? (Plan/APG)
- Exploring the Future of Humanitarian Financing: Diversification, Communication, and Collaboration (NEAR)
- Panel: Tackling the crisis in humanitarian financing
Day 3 : Wedneday, 13 December 2023
Climate Action for Humanitarian Outcomes: How Local Actors Can Lead the Way
- Disaster Logistics Workshop: How Regional and Local Partnerships Empower More Effective Relief (Airlink)
- Climate Change in Bangladesh: Locally-Led Actions to Build Resilience (NGO Platform)
- Catalyzing Climate Resilience and Humanitarian Action through Women Local Leaders (CARE/UN Women)
- Showcasing best practices on promoting local adaptation by leveraging local, traditional and indigenous knowledge (ATIH)
- Building Resilience Through Humanitarian Response (NSET)
- Enabling children as agents of change through inclusive edugames on climate change and disaster resilience (PREDIKT)
- Localizing The Humanitarian Encyclopedia: Results of a pilot run by ADRRN’s Localization Hub (ADRRN)
- Decolonizing Humanitarian Action through Partner-led Response – Practice sharing Session (Oxfam)
- From Voices to Action: Girls, Youth, and Gender Inclusion in Climate Solutions (World Vision/ Plan)
- Digital Storytellers for Social Change: crash course (WRI)
- Implementing accountability commitments during the emergency response and recovery in practice and in theory: the case of Cianjur earthquake (HI)
- Local and scientific knowledges for multi-hazard risk reduction: Understandings and applications (Northumbria University)
- A dangerous information gap: Improving communication with at-risk and disaster-affected communities in the languages they use (CLEAR/Pattan)
- Holding Our Leaders to Account: Building the case for Localisation in the ASEAN Leaders Declaration on Sustainable Resilience (IDHA)
- Modified Outcomes Harvesting for Protection Mainstreaming: Opportunities for Accountability and Evidence-based Actions on Protection Mainstreaming at the Local Level (IRC)