Quality and Accountability Mainstreaming


Q&A mainstreaming is an approach to ensure accountability to the affected population. It involves integration of Q&A in both the programmatic and operational aspects in the organisation.
Q&A mainstreaming within organizations is key to shifting attitudes and practices toward internal motivation to implement and self-monitor Q&A compliance. This organization-wide process requires engagement across departments to assess existing practices, procedures, and policies, then adopt changes through allocation of required resources.
Host organization: CWSA Pakistan
Expected output: A position paper that advocates for continuous emphasis of Q&A through mainstreaming efforts. The position paper will also contribute to the research paper of the overall regional event, to be published in early 2021.
Date and time:
20 November 2020, 11:00-12:30 (Pakistan time) / 13:00-14:30 (Bangkok time)
Registration link:

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