Description: Quality and Accountability (Q&A) mainstreaming is a strategy towards promoting and sustaining greater accountability to the affected population. For successful accountability mainstreaming to take place, changes are required at different levels in the organisation. It involves the integration of Q&A in both the programmatic and operational aspects in the organisation. Q&A mainstreaming within organisations is key to shifting attitudes and practices toward internal motivation to implement and self-monitor Q&A compliance.
This organisation-wide process requires engagement across departments to assess existing practices, procedures, and policies, and then adopt changes through allocation of required resources. Organisations tend to embark on the accountability mainstreaming process through various entry points and means. The panel discussion will explore the different levels and ways of mainstreaming accountability. The event is organized by ADRRN’s Quality and Accountability (Q&A) thematic hub is hosted by Community World Service Asia.
Date/time: December 14th 2020, 13:00-14:30 BKK time
Registration: required, please register from below link: