NSET at the Nepal Geological Congress 2018


The Ninth Nepal Geological Congress has been held in Kathmandu during Nov 19-21, 2018. Vice President of Federal Republic of Nepal Rt. Honorable Nanda Bahadur Pun ‘Pasang’ inaugurated the Congress. The conference was conducted in the collaboration with different Departments of Government, ADRRN’s member – NSET, Tribhuvan University and partners.

NSET presented in four technical sessions: (1) Nepal, a multi-hazard risk country: spatio-temporal analysis; (2) Laboratory experimental test on low strength stone masonry building of Nepal to understand their seismic behavior; (3) Socio-technical module in assistance: promoting resilient reconstruction in wake of disaster; and (4) Urban resilience of Nepal – a coordinated effort of multiple constituents.

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