Non-government organisations have called upon the government to engage them in tackling the crisis caused by the outbreak of coronavirus, which is having far-reaching impacts on people, health and economy, especially on the poor and vulnerable communities across the country.
NGOs that have their presence in the grassroots level and always worked hand in hand with the government in disaster management should be incorporated in the activities for stronger coordination and greater reach, leaders of different alliances of NGOs said.
COAST Trust hosted a virtual press conference today, attended by the leaders of National Alliance of Humanitarian Actors, Bangladesh (NAHAB), Bangladesh CSO-NGO Coordination Process, Network for Information, Response and Preparedness Activities on Disaster (NIRAPA), Disaster Forum, Association of Development Agencies Bangladesh (ADAB) and Federation of NGOs Bangladesh (FNB).
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Click here to read the position paper on Inclusive coordination, social mobilization and Local leadership are indispensable to mitigate the COVID-19 crisis in Bangladesh.