Description: This webinar will bring forth the importance of motivated, skilled and locally available humanitarian personnel in addressing emergencies, drawing on the learning from Covid-19 response across Asia. Further, the webinar will provide a platform to explore the dimensions of need and relevance of multi-sectoral response actors in the backdrop of Grand Bargain goals and SFDRR. Topics to be covered include cases from Cyclone Amphan, refugee and migrant population in Iran and Afghanistan, multi Stakeholder Covid-19 Response in Mumbai City, online capacity building of FLWs and ERs (Elected Representatives) for Covid-19 Response in Maharashtra and Gujarat, and ensuring Women-Focused Organisations are part of Covid-19 and humanitarian surge.
Date/Time: December 8, 2020; 14:30-16:30 BKK time
Registration: not required. Please click below link to join the webinar